Cash Advance Payday Loan the Instant Solution for your Financial WorriesYou can go for a cash advance payday loan, if life suddenly throws at you some unavoidable and unexpected expense, for which you are not financially prepared. This can be especially useful if your credit history makes it impossible for you to get short term credit elsewhere. A quick cash payday loan is given by lending institutions against your next paycheck. You can borrow a few hundred dollars for a couple of weeks, at a relatively higher rate of interest, and when you get your next paycheck, the loan amount plus the interest on it, is deducted automatically from your bank account. A Word of Caution You must keep one thing in mind when taking a cash advance payday loan. The lending companies take a post-dated check or direct withdrawal facilities from your bank account for the quick payday loan amount and the fees. In case, you do not have adequate balance in your account on the date of repayment, and the lenders deposit your check, not only will you be charged heavy penalties for a bounced check, they can even accuse you of fraud! In addition, in case of direct withdrawal, the bank can impose exorbitant overdraft charges on your account, if they withdraw money when you do not have sufficient amount in your account! So you must make sure you have adequate balance in your checking account to clear off your cash advance payday loan or else, inform the lenders beforehand about wanting an extension on the loan! The Advantages of A Payday Loan That said and done, a cash advance payday loan is the most conveniently available unsecured loan today. It is a discreet and quick way to tide over your temporary financial bind with grace. You can get the exact amount of money for the exact time-period required, without much paperwork! You can also get a paperless quick payday cash loan! Used judiciously, a payday loan worth $100 for 2 weeks at $15 fees can help avoid a $48 merchant-fee on a bounced check, not to mention legal penalties and imprisonment! It can also help avoid a $26 late fee on your credit card or a $50 late/reconnection fee on a pending utility bill! With these statistics in front of us, we can see that a cash advance payday loan can really help us, if we do not start abusing this privilege. As long as we use it for emergency situations only and make it a point to clear the loan in full right on schedule, we can make this facility work for us in many beneficial ways. About the Author:
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